Get Back In Shape Fast No Matter How Busy Your Schedule Is...

[FREE LIVE TRAINING] The Busy Man's Guide To Sustainable Fitness Results

LIVE Thursday @ 7:00 PM CST

Expert Personal Trainer's Secrets Revealed!

In this Free Training I'll Show You...


My #1 Strategy For Busy Guys:

"How To Make Your Fitness Goals Happen No Matter How Busy You Are. ”


The +1 Nutrition Method:

“The Top 3 Reasons Most Diets Don’t Work And What To Do About It. ”


Bulletproof Your Results:

“How To Stay Laser Focused And Follow Through On Your Goals, No Matter What Comes Up. ”

If You Are A Busy Man Who Wants To Lose Weight. But, More Importantly, Get Healthier For Your Family, This Is Where You Need To Invest Your Time...

In This Free Training, We’re Going To Show You The System For Losing Weight and Feeling Your Best Even With a Tight Schedule...

After 12 years of coaching, we've realized that most guys don't focus on their health. They put themselves on the back-burner for their family and for their careers.

One day, they're in shape, and the next they get out of breath tying their shoes. Or, one day the doctor tells them they need to make drastic changes now, or things will only get worse from here.

At a certain point, they realize that something has to change, but, what's worked for them in the past doesn't work anymore.

The diets that had them lose weight, and the workout programs they used to follow don't work anymore. They feel like they don't have the time or the energy to see the results they're after.

We know how frustrating it can be trying to lose weight and get back in the shape you're confident in only to feel like you're trying way too hard and not seeing the results...

Or Worse, You Watch The Scale Slide Up Over The Years...

None of these other diet or workout "solutions" have worked in the past because they focus on patching the problem, but not getting to the root of why you got out of shape in the first place, and what you need to do differently...

That's why...

You Need An Overall Strategy For Your Fitness That Fits Your Life...

In this workshop, we're going to reveal to you the 3 Strategies You Need To Implement To See Amazing Fitness Results Fast. We use these with our clients to achieve amazing fitness results on demand...

We will give you the fundamental step-by-step process to see real results fast, but also what you need to make healthy living possible in a busy life...

When It Comes To Getting Healthy, You Have No Time To Waste...

That's why if you've struggled with weight loss, or being in control of your health, you need to attend this webinar.

We've put this together and sharing our secrets for our clients' successes because we know right now how important it is for us to be the best version of ourselves for our families, and being as healthy as possible is a huge part of that .

In order to be successful with our fitness we need to be able to succeed with fitness, nutrition, and productivity...

After helping hundreds of other busy professionals solve these problems...

We've realized the thing that most often gets in the way of these guys being successful is having a system for setting, implementing, and tracking their goals...

This Workshop Will Help You Discover What You Need To Know To Finally EXECUTE And Make Fitness Work In Your Life...

About The Presenter

Rex Andrews and Jonathan Canales are the co-founders of Pathway Training in Porter, TX, the private training studio in North Houston. Founded in 2018, their focus was to make fitness approachable and realistic for the average person.

Since 2019, they’ve cohosted the Pathway Podcast with over 90 Episodes.

They’ve coached business executives, Ironman athletes, entrepreneurs, marathon champions, stay-at-home parents and everyone in between. Ultimately, it’s always been about the same focus; long-term sustainable fitness changes.

They have specialized in helping busy, career-driven, families find a way to balance pursuing their health and personal goals with the demands of a stressful life.

Their book, Executing Fitness Success: The Busy Man's Playbook To Getting Back In Shape Fast hit #1 in the Men's Health Best Seller Category on in June of 2022.

Rex Andrews is a former internationally-touring professional wrestler coaching fitness for 11 years.

In 2015, he was the head coach at The Great Khali’s Pro Wrestling School in Punjab, India.

In 2017, he brought 2x WWE Hall of Famer Booker T out of retirement for one more match.

Rex holds a number of certifications and accomplishments, including completing the Houston Marathon in 2020, and having a black belt in taekwondo;

he is a certified personal trainer, a sports performance specialist, and a corrective exercise specialist. Rex focuses on fitness program design.

"With this webinar, I want to give the busy guy who has been struggling to get back in shape a clear path to getting where you want to go. All you need is the right game plan. That's what we've worked on developing over the last 4 years at Pathway, and I'm excited to share it with you here. Sign up for the Free class now. You won't regret it." - Rex

Check Out Some Of Our Clients' Results Using This Exact Same System

View a Small Sample of Our Case Studies Below

"In 2 Months, I Lost 6% Body Fat...

I'm down 25 lbs and I have so much more daily energy...

"My goal was to be the best version of myself for my newborn daughter and family, and I accomplished that by working through this program...

"Pathway stepped in and gave me direction on how to better myself...

"I needed accountability, and I needed ways to hold myself accountable to what I really wanted to accomplish."

Greg H.

Pathway Challenge Results

In the book, we reveal our exact 6 week coaching program to you.

Check out some of the results our guys have gotten completing this coaching program .